About KinoMine
Data origin
Database | Number of proteins |
Uniprot 2020-09-23 | 519 |
Database | Number of protein-ligand complexes | Number of ligands |
PDB 2020-09-23 | 7,166 | 6,249 |
Database | Number of protein (with mutations) | Number of ligands | Number of bioactivities |
ChEMBL 27 | 738 | 133,075 | 711,982 |
B. Bienfait and P. Ertl. JSME: a free molecule editor in JavaScript , J. Cheminformatics 5:24 (2013) |
F. Carles, S. Bourg, C. Meyer, and P. Bonnet PKIDB: A Curated, Annotated and Updated Database of Protein Kinase Inhibitors in Clinical Trials Molecules 23:4 (2018) |
C. Bournez, F. Carles, G. Peyrat, S. Aci-Sèche, S. Bourg, C. Meyer, and P. Bonnet Comparative Assessment of Protein Kinase Inhibitors in Public Databases and in PKIDB Molecules 25:14 (2020) |
L. Paladin, M. Schaeffer, P. Gaudet, M. Zahn-Zabal, P.-A. Michel, D. Piovesan, S.C.E. Tosatto and A. Bairoch. The Feature-Viewer: a visualization tool for positional annotations on a sequence , Bioinformatics, 36:10 (2020) |
A.S. Rose, A.R. Bradley, Y. Valasatava, J.M. Duarte, A. Prlić and P.W. Rose. NGL viewer: web-based molecular graphics for large complexes , Bioinformatics, 34:21 (2018) |
A.S. Rose and P.W. Hildebrand. NGL Viewer: a web application for molecular visualization , Nucl. Acids Res. 43 (W1): W576-W579 (2015) |
People who worked on this website
Pr. Pascal Bonnet | Dr. Stéphane Bourg | Dr. Fabrice Carles |
Gautier Peyrat | Romain Launay | Juliette Douare |